Better Marketing & Sales Decisions

real practices and encouragement to help you with your business

Archive for the ‘Customer Journey’ Category

Get a Clear View (part 1)

Posted by mikekleis on September 24, 2009

Many times we can solve a problem by gaining a new perspective that helps us see things a little differently. Sometimes we actually get a better view of a problem. Now, I am often asked by people looking to grow their business, ‘what’s the most important thing I should do?’ or ‘what should I do first?’. My typical response is something like… ‘Find out what your customer is trying to accomplish’. Now this may sound a bit antagonistic but, it’s really not. It’s really meant to offer a fresh perspective on growing a business – a typical problem for a lot of businesses.

The thought of growing your business at a time like this can seem quite daunting. Often we turn to the typical solutions like changing our advertising or trying a new promotion. Now, these things may be exactly what are needed but, many times they are not. Many times they are simply desperate stabs in the dark.

If this feels familiar, let me offer some encouragement and an approach that can provide some direction.

A basic foundation of successful marketing and sales is centered on the customer and their journey. You see, your customer is trying to accomplish something. They are typically trying to solve a problem or achieve some goal. Our job as marketers and sellers of great products and services is to help our customers solve their problem. This seems simple enough but there is a little catch.

It seems like if we just get our name out there and make sure we have the product (or service) the customer needs and our team is eager to sell we should be fine… right? Maybe not. The key here is that the customer may not be ready to purchase just yet. We have to understand that our customer goes through a series of steps in order to solve their problem and… they have to go through all the steps – they can’t really skip any steps. These steps make up what is referred to as The Customer Journey.

A generic customer journey might look something like this:

Customer Journey Generic Map

Now, some customers work through their journey/process very quickly and others, not so much. Some may even get stuck along their journey. Our real job as marketers and sellers is to help our customer move along their journey. It’s not enough to just be willing to help at the end when the customer is ready to make the purchase of your product (or service).  We have to provide the help (information, services, samples, etc.) that let them move to the next step in their journey so, they can ultimately buy from us and solve their problem.

My encouragement for you is to work on understanding your customers’ journey. Get a clear view of the steps they go through to solve their problem. Here are some quick suggestions to build a map of your customers’ journey:

  1. Start by simply taking the generic map above and modify it using your team’s best judgment. It may not be perfect but, it will get you started.
  2. Review it with everyone on your team so everyone has a consistent view.
  3. Ask your customers… What steps have you taken already that led you to visiting with me today? What steps will you need to take after we are done today?
  4. Modify the map and review it with your team as you learn more – but at least once a year.
  5. You may have to build a map for each different customer type or segment – just pick one to get started.

Once you have a clear view of your customers’ journey you will be in a great position to start helping. Once you start helping your customers will start moving along their journey. Once they start moving, they will start buying. We’ll talk more about this topic again soon.  Until then…

Here’s to making better marketing decisions.

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